Published Papers

Aviram, R. B. (submitted). Internal objects and external groups: Expanding Fairbairn’s Endopsychic Mind and Broadening the Purview of Psychoanalysis. Psychoanalytic Quarterly.

Aviram, R. B. (2020). Can an ingroup be an internal object?: Exploration of the social object. In D. Scharff (Ed.), Internal objects in psychoanalysis. Routledge.

Aviram, R. B. (2014). The family is the first social group followed by the clan, tribe, and nation. In D. Scharff and G. Clarke (Eds.), Fairbairn and the Object Relations Tradition. (pp. 471-482). London: Karnac.

Aviram, R. B. (2013). The drums of war beat in the unconscious. Peace Review, 25, 195-202.

Aviram, R. B. (2012, December). [Review of the Book What do I say? The therapist’s guide to answering client questions, by L. N. Edelstein & C. A. Waehler]. Psychotherapy, 49, 570-571.

Aviram, R. B. (2007). Object relations and prejudice: From ingroup favoritism to outgroup hatred. International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies. 4 (1), 4-14.

Aviram, R. B. (2006). Stigma and alcohol misuse during adolescence. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, 18, 27-30.

Aviram, R. B. (2005). The social object and the pathology of prejudice. In D. Scharff and J. Savege-Scharff (Eds.), The legacy of Fairbairn and Sutherland. (pp. 227-236). London: Brunner-Routledge.

Aviram, R. B. (2002). An object relations theory of prejudice: Defining pathological prejudice. Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society, 7, 305-312.

Aviram, R. B., & Rosenfeld, S. (2002). Application of social identity theory in group therapy with stigmatized adults. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 52, 121-130.

Aviram, R. B. & Spitz, H. I. (2003). Substance abuse couple therapy: Clinical considerations and relational themes. Journal of FamilyPsychotherapy, 14, 3, 1-18.

Aviram, R. B., Brodsky, B., & Stanley, B. (2006). Borderline personality disorder, stigma, and treatment implications. Harvard Review of Psychiatry, 14, 249-256.

Aviram, R. B., Rhum, M., & Levin, F. R. (2001). Psychotherapy of adults with comorbid attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder and psychoactive substance use disorder. Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research. 10, 179-186.

Aviram, R. B., Hellerstein, D. J., Gerson, J., & Stanley, B. (2004). Adapting supportive psychotherapy for individuals with borderline personality disorder who self-injure or attempt suicide. Journal of Psychiatric Practice, 10, 145-155.

Hellerstein, D. J., Aviram, R. B., & Kotov, K. (2004). Beyond ‘handholding’: Supportive therapy for patients with borderline personality disorder and self-injurious behavior. Psychiatric Times, 21, 58-61.



Aviram, R. B. (January 12, 2018). Can an Ingroup be an Internal Object?: Further Exploration of the Social Object. Paper presented at the 2017-2018 Master Speaker Seminar Series: The Use of the Object. New York, Washington, D.C.

Aviram, R. B. (March 7-9, 2014). The large group in the mind (with special reference to prejudice, war, and terrorism). Paper presented at the Ronald Fairbairn and the object relations tradition conference. Freud Museum, London.

Aviram, R. B. (May 8, 2012). The unconscious motivations for war: All for one and one for all. Paper presented at Brandeis University Program on Coexistence and Conflict at the Heller School for Social Policy and Management. Waltham, Massachusetts.

Aviram, R. B. (February 25, 2012). Surviving and Killing. Paper presented at the Is War Inevitable? An Interdisciplinary Conference. Psychology Making a Difference in Society Series. New York, New York.

Aviram, R. B. (February, 2012). The unconscious motivations for war: All for one and one for all. Paper presented at Long Island University (Brooklyn Campus), Department of Psychology.

Aviram, R. B. (April, 2010). Expanding the Range of Attachment Theory to the Large Group. Paper presented at the 30th Annual Spring Meeting of the Division of Psychoanalysis (39), American Psychological Association. Chicago, IL.

Aviram, R. B. (October, 2009). Prejudice and the Dialectic of the Psychosocial and the Intrapsychic: In What Ways Does the Economy Matter? Paper presented at Association for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society 2009 Annual Conference, New Brunswick, NJ.

Aviram, R. B. (April, 2009). To Act or Not to Act: The Psychological Impact of Hatred in a Geopolitical Context. Paper presented at The Yale Initiative for the Interdisciplinary Study of Antisemitism Conference, The Psychological Impact of the Treat of Contemporary Genocidal Antisemitism: From Denial and Paralysis to Understanding the Challenge.

Aviram, R. B. (Octorber 18, 2008). The relational origins of prejudice. Paper presented at the New Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Prejudice: Making a difference in Society Conference. New York, New York.

Aviram, R. B. (April, 2007). Object relations and large social group identifications: Clinical momentum in a diverse atmosphere. Paper presented at the 27th Annual Spring Meeting of the Division of Psychoanalysis (39), American Psychological Association. Toronto, Canada.

Aviram, R. B. (March, 2006). Object relations and prejudice: From ingroup favoritism to outgroup hatred. Presented at the William Alanson White Institute, clinical services meeting.

Aviram, R. B. (December, 2005). Object relations and prejudice: From ingroup favoritism to outgroup hatred. Presented at the International Conference on Prejudice and Conflict. Salt Lake City, Utah. Awarded candidate paper prize by the International Association and Journal for the Study of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies.

Aviram, R. B. (April, 2005). Psychotherapy and Culture. Presented to Psychology Internship at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center. New York, New York.

Aviram, R. B. (August, 2003). The social object and the pathology of prejudice. Paper presented at the Legacy of Fairbairn and Sutherland Conference. Edinburgh, Scotland.

Aviram, R. B. (May, 2003). Adapting supportive psychotherapy for patients with BPD who self-injure or attempt suicide. Paper presented at the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration Conference. New York, New York.

Aviram, R. B. (April, 2003). Identity and culture in psychotherapy: Finding hope by discovering hopelessness. Paper presented at the 23rd Annual Spring Meeting of Division of Psychoanalysis, American Psychological Association. Minneapolis, MN.

Aviram, R.B. (November, 2001). An object relations theory of prejudice: Defining pathological prejudice. Paper presented at the 7th annual APCS Conference for Psychoanalysis and Social Change. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey.

Aviram, R.B. (August, 2001). Diverse approaches in treatment of couples with substance abuse problems (Chair). 109th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco.

Aviram, R.B., & Spitz, H.I. (August, 2001). Substance abuse couple therapy: Integrating psychodynamic and relapse prevention techniques. Paper presented at the 109th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco.